david schrott is everywhere

still wondering who has time to blog every damn day (pt 2 — kind of)

Posted in family, Lancaster, philadelphia by thebreakfastdictator on 09/18/2011

I love Lancaster in the autumn. The air is cold and in the mornings, I roll my windows down and turn the heat way up. It’s wonderfully blessed. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t make more time to picture take & write about the things that mean the most to me. I’m trying to do that when I have five free minutes but it’s hard. Yesterday I took some family pictures — I want to remember these days so badly and it seems our culture is intent on destroying memories by the methods we use to preserve them (or make instant new ones via Facebook or Twitter).

I love this photo of my Dad. I got lucky with the light & smoke pouring through:

Later today, I’ll pick up Meg at the intersection of Fruitville & Route 30. We’ll watch Steeler football & drive back to Philly. This weekend has been nice. I’ve put drywall & painting out of my mind forĀ  a few days and it’s been nice to recharge a bit out of the city. The city can be really suffocating sometimes…

I love being away from the city during the fall/winter season. It’s more inviting to live in the country. The chilly autumn air and the warm winter (indoor) heat via a coal stove are so inviting during these six months of the year. And honestly, can you enjoy autumn in the city as much as you can in the country? Let me tell you bluntly — No.

Can I fall/winter in Lancaster and spring/summer in Philly?

Oh,… perchance to dream…!